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Hello, my name is Ana. With many years of experience creating handmade ceramics and pottery and selling them on online marketplaces like Etsy and Amazon Handmade, I've gained a wealth of knowledge that I'd like to share with you.

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Slab Building: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Handmade Ceramic Pieces


Slab building is a popular hand-building technique in ceramics that allows you to create sturdy pieces of pottery. Whether you're looking to make plates, bowls, or any other functional or decorative pieces, slab building is a versatile and easy method to get started with.

To start with slab building, you'll need to have your clay ready. This involves wedging it to remove any air pockets and make it ready to work with. Then, you'll need to roll out the clay into flat, even slabs using a rolling pin or slab roller. You can also do it without any tools except your work table. The thickness of your slabs will depend on the desired size and shape of your piece.


Once you have your slabs ready, you can begin shaping them into the desired form. You can cut the slabs into various shapes using a pottery cutter or a knife, or even your hands. You can also use slabs to form the sides of your piece by draping them over a mold or using a potter's rib to smooth and shape them.


After shaping your slabs into your desired form, it's important to let them dry evenly. This will prevent cracking and ensure a strong and durable final product. You can then fire your piece in a kiln to turn it into a hardened, permanent ceramic piece.

Slab building is a simple and versatile hand-building technique in ceramics that can help you create functional and beautiful pieces of pottery. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned potter, this technique is a great way to unleash your creativity and bring your ideas to life.

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